Title Određivanje ekotoksičnosti ksenobiotika račićima Daphnia magna
Title (english) Determination of ecotoxicity of xenobiotics by Daphnia magna crustacean
Author Kristina Kukrika
Mentor Danijela Ašperger (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Ašperger (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Šime Ukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dajana Kučić Grgić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry
Abstract Industrijalizacija, urbanizacija, intenzivan rast broja stanovništva te potreba za poboljšanjem kvalitete života uzrokuju sve veću potražnju za uporabom pesticida i plastike. Procjena rizika utjecaja ksenobiotika na okoliš uglavnom je usmjerena na analizu učinka čistih tvari, a manje na njihove smjese, iako su upravo smjese najčešće prisutne u okolišu. Problem sa smjesama tvari je mogućnost pojave sinergizma odnosno povećanja toksičnosti u odnosu na zasebne komponente. U ovom je radu ispitivana ekotoksičnost standardnih otopina acetamiprida, klotianidina, tikloprida te mikroplastike (dobivene usitnjavanjem plastičnih boca (PET) i čepova (PP)) kao i njihovih binarnih i ternarne smjese. Ekotoksičnost je ispitivana prema standardnoj metodi ISO 6341:2012 primjenom račića Daphnia magna te standardnom metodom ISO 11348-3:2007 primjenom luminiscentne bakterije Vibrio fischeri. Provedena je i kromatografska HPLC-DAD analiza uzoraka. Sve ispitivane smjese ksenobiotika pokazuju sličan trend rasta krivulje toksičnosti. Povećanjem koncentracije otopina raste inhibicija ispitivanih organizama. U pokusu s račićima Daphnia magna najtoksičnijim se pokazao klotianidin (I = 90 %), potom acetamiprid i tiakloprid (I = 85 %) te mikroplastika (I = 10 %). Smjesa mikroplastike i tiakloprida je pokazala sinergistički efekt među komponentama, dok su smjesa mikroplastike i klotianidina te smjesa mikroplastike i acetamipirda pokazale antagonistički efekt među komponentama. U pokusu s bakterijom Vibrio fischeri najtoksičnijim se pokazao acetamiprid (I = 88,28 %), potom tiakloprid (I = 51,22 %) pa mikroplastika
(I = 0,5 %), dok klotianidin nije izazvao inhibiciju bakterijske kulture. Sve binarne smjese pesticida i mikroplastike te smjesa acetamiprida i klotianidina, kao i smjesa klotianidina i tiakloprida pokazale su sinergistički efekt među komponentama. S druge strane smjesa acetamiprida i tiakloprida te ternarna smjesa pesticida pokazale su antagonistički efekt među komponentama. Kromatografskom analizom HPLC-DAD utvrđeno je da dolazi do otpuštanja novog spoja iz mikroplastike u vodeni medij. Važno je naglasiti da su neophodna daljnja istraživanja sinergističog učinka smjesa tvari radi bolje procjene njihovog utjecaja na ekosustav.
Abstract (english) Industrialisation, urbanisation, intensive population growth and the need to improve the quality of life are causing an increasing demand for the use of pesticides and plastics. The risk assessment of the impact of xenobiotics on the environment is mainly focused on the analysis of the effect of pure substances, and less on their mixtures, although mixtures are most often present in the environment. The problem with mixtures is the possibility of synergism. In this paper, the ecotoxicity of standard solutions of acetamiprid, clothianidin, thiacloprid and microplastics (shredded plastic bottles (PET) and bottle cap (PP)) and their binary and ternary mixtures was tested. Ecotoxicity was tested according to the standard method ISO 6341:2012 using crusracean Daphnia magna and the standard method ISO 11348-3:2007 using the luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Chromatographic HPLC-DAD analysis of samples was also performed. The same growth trend of the toxicity curve was observed in all tested xenobiotics. The inhibition of the tested organisms increases with increasing concentration of solutions. In the experiment with Daphnia magna, clothianidin
(I = 90%) proved to be the most toxic, followed by acetamiprid and thiacloprid (I = 85%) and microplastics (I = 10%). The mixture of microplastics and thiacloprid showed a synergistic effect between the components, while the other mixtures of microplastics and pesticides showed an antagonistic effect between the components. In the experiment with Vibrio fischeri, acetamiprid (I = 88.28%) proved to be the most toxic, followed by thiacloprid
(I = 51.22%) and microplastics (I = 0.5%). Clothianidin did not cause bacterial culture inhibition. All binary mixtures of pesticides and microplastics and binary mixture of pesticides showed a synergistic effect between the components. Only a mixture of acetamiprid and thiacloprid and a ternary mixture of pesticides showed an antagonistic effect among the components. Chromatographic HPLC-DAD analysis revealed the release of the new microplastic compound into the aqueous medium. It is important to emphasize that further research on the synergistic effect of mixtures is necessary in order to better assess their impact on the ecosystem.
Daphnia magna
Vibrio fischeri
sinergistički učinak
Keywords (english)
Daphnia magna
Vibrio fischeri
synergistic effect
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:570461
Project Number: IP-2019-04-9661 Title: Primjena naprednih tehnologija obrade voda za uklanjanje mikroplastike Title: Advanced Water Treatment Technologies for Microplastics Removal Acronym: AdWaTMiR Leader: Tomislav Bolanča Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Chemical Engineering - Graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka kemijskog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2023-04-11 12:05:02