Abstract | Zbog užurbanog načina života, potražnja za pomagalima koja olakšavaju svakodnevicu sve je veća. Ksenobiotici jedni su od pomagala koji svojim svojstvima pridonose rješavanju problema današnjice. Neovisno što se koriste kao pomagala, stvaraju nove probleme zbog kojih negativno utječu na prirodu i okoliš. Nazvani su novim onečišćujućim tvarima čije je uklanjanje kompleksan i ne dovoljno istražen proces. Ispuštanjem otpadnih voda u prirodne vode, raste koncentracija ksenobiotika u okolišu zbog čega je potrebno razvijati nove bioanalitičke metode kojima je moguće pratiti njihov utjecaj na okoliš. Uz vodeni okoliš, ova onečišćivala prisutna su i u tlu gdje imaju toksičan učinak na biljke, životinje, u konačnici, i na ljude. Upotreba ksenobiotika pesticida, antiparazitika i (mikro)plastike je u porastu, stoga je potrebno u što kraćem periodu razviti funkcionalan način uklanjanja štetnih tvari iz okoliša. U ovom radu određivana je toksičnost ksenobiotika pesticida, antiparazitika i mikroplastike prije i poslije biorazgradnje aktivnim muljem u šaržnom bioreaktoru. Toksičnost je određena brzim testovima toksičnosti pomoću bakterijske kulture Vibrio fischeri koja ima sposobnost bioluminiscencije. Ksenobiotici su uklonjeni u većoj i manjoj mjeri iz smjesa s aktivnim muljem i mikroplastikom. Uz metodu biorazgradnje, do uklanjanja dolazi vjerojatno i zbog hidrolize ispitivanih standarda te adsorpcije na pahuljice aktivnog mulja i mikroplastiku. Mikroplastika nije značajno utjecala na toksičnost otopina i mješavina ispitivanih ksenobiotika. Toksičnost ispitivanih ksenobiotika se nakon biorazgradnje aktivnim muljem smanjila kod većine ksenobiotika. Radne otopine izvornih aktivnih tvari uzrokuju veću inhibiciju nakon 48 sati aeracije zbog prividnog povećanja koncentracije ispitivanih tvari. Najveću toksičnost od ispitivanih ksenobiotika uzrokuje acetamiprid, zatim albendazol, febantel, klotianidin, mebendazol i naposljetku tiakloprid. Prilikom biorazgradnje, došlo je do nastajanja novih razgradnih i/ili transformacijskih produkata koji su utjecali na toksičnost smjesa. Potrebno je ispitati njihovu toksičnost prije ispuštanja u prirodne vode te ispitati njihov utjecaj na okoliš. |
Abstract (english) | Due to the busy lifestyle, the demand for aids that make everyday life easier is increasing. Xenobiotics are one of the aids that, with their properties, contribute to solving today's problems. Regardless of the fact that they are used as aids, they create new problems. Namely, they have a negative impact on nature and the environment in general. They are called new pollutants whose removal is a complex and insufficiently researched process. By releasing waste water into natural waters, the concentration of xenobiotics in the environment increases, which is why it is necessary to develop new bioanalytical methods that can monitor their impact on the environment. In addition to the aquatic environment, these pollutants are also present in the soil, where they have a toxic effect on plants, animals, and ultimately, on humans. The use of xenobiotics, pesticides, antiparasitics and (micro)plastics is on the rise, so it is necessary to develop a functional way of removing harmful substances from the environment as soon as possible. In this work, the toxicity of xenobiotics, pesticides, antiparasitics and microplastics was determined before and after biodegradation with activated sludge in a batch bioreactor. Toxicity was determined by fast toxicity tests using a bacterial culture of Vibrio fischeri, which has the ability to bioluminescence. Xenobiotics were removed to a greater and lesser extent from mixtures with activated sludge and microplastics. In addition to the biodegradation method, the removal probably also occurs due to the hydrolysis of the tested standards and adsorption onto flakes of activated sludge and microplastics. Microplastics did not significantly affect the toxicity of solutions and mixtures of tested xenobiotics. The toxicity of the tested xenobiotics decreased after biodegradation with activated sludge for most xenobiotics. Working solutions of the original active substances cause greater inhibition after 48 hours of aeration due to an apparent increase in the concentration of the tested substances. Acetamiprid, followed by albendazole, febantel, clothianidin, mebendazole and finally thiacloprid, causes the greatest toxicity of the tested xenobiotics. During biodegradation, new degradation and/or transformation products were formed, which affected the toxicity of the mixtures. It is necessary to examine their toxicity before releasing them into natural waters and examine their impact on the environment. |