Title Navodnjavanje bosiljka i graha RO retentatom
Title (english) Irrigation of basil and beans with RO retentate
Author Fran Hrlić
Mentor Davor Dolar (mentor)
Committee member Davor Dolar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Ašperger (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vilko Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering
Abstract Otpadne vode iz tekstilne industrije predstavljaju veliku opasnost za okoliš te su u pravilu zagađene širokim spektrom tvari čije uklanjanje nije jednostavno. Cilj ovog rada bio je simulirati postrojenje za obradu tekstilnih otpadnih voda (TOV) koristeći hibridni ultrafiltracijsko (UF) – reverzno osmotski (RO) proces, ali s naglaskom na zatvaranje vodenog kruga, odnosno da se sve struje iz membranskog procesa oporabe ili koriste za određene svrhe. Realni uzorci TOV-a prvo su podvrgnuti ultrafiltraciji te je skupljan permeat. Taj permeat je potom obrađivan reverznom osmozom te je retentat korišten za navodnjavanje biljaka bosiljka i graha. Rezultati pokazuju da je UF, kao prva membranska operacija, uspješno smanjila vrijednosti mutnoće, kemijske potrošnje kisika te spektralnog apsorpcijskog koeficijenta. S druge strane, RO je neophodna membranska operacija ukoliko se želi značajno smanjiti vrijednost električne vodljivosti te koncentracija raznih iona u obrađivanim vodama. Analiziranjem voda, biljnog materijala i tla, zaključuje se da su RO retentati te RO retentati razrijeđeni s vodovodnom vodom u omjeru 50:50 sigurni za razvoj biljaka u pogledu koncentracija klorida, nitrata, amonijevih kationa, sulfata, željeza i mangana te pH vrijednosti. U biljkama navodnjavanim TOV-om uočene su veće koncentracije dušika, fosfora i kalija u odnosu na iste biljke navodnjavane vodovodnom vodom, no primjenom razrijeđenih RO retentata u biljkama je utvrđena slična koncentracija navedenih tvari kao u biljkama navodnjavanih vodovodnom vodom. U tlu navodnjavanom TOV-om uočene su značajno veće koncentracije sumpora i fosfora u odnosu na tlo navodnjavano vodovodnom vodom. Primjenom razrijeđenih i nerazrijeđenih RO retentata vrijednosti koncentracija navedenih elemenata niže su nego kod uzorka tla navodnjavanog TOV-om.
Abstract (english) Textile wastewater (TWW) poses a major threat to the environment and is usually contaminated with a variety of substances that are difficult to remove. The aim of this work was to simulate a textile wastewater treatment plant using a hybrid ultrafiltration (UF) – reverse osmosis (RO) process, with the primary objective of closing the water cycle so that all process streams from the membrane process can be reused or utilised for other purposes. Real samples of TWW were first treated with the UF process and the UF permeate was collected. This permeate was then treated with the RO and the RO retentate was collected as it was used as irrigation water for basil and beans. The results show that UF was the first membrane operation to successfully reduce the values for turbidity, chemical oxygen demand, and spectral apsorption coefficient. On the other hand, RO is the necessary membrane operation when it comes to significantly reducing the values of electrical conductivity and the concentration of various ions in the treated water. Analysis of the water, plant material and soil showed that all RO retentates and all RO retentates diluted 50:50 with tap water were harmless to plant development in terms of chloride, nitrate, ammonia, sulphate, iron, and manganese concentrations and pH. Plants irrigated with TWW were found to have higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium than plants irrigated with tap water, but when diluted RO retentates were used, these plants had similar concentrations of these substances to the plants irrigated with tap water. In the soil irrigated with TWW, sulphur and phosphorus concentrations were found to be much higher than in the soil irrigated with tap water. When using diluted and undiluted RO retentates, the concentration values of the mentioned elements were lower compared to the soil samples irrigated with TWW.
tekstilna otpadna voda
reverzna osmoza
Keywords (english)
textile wastewater
reverse osmosis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:405906
Project Number: MYP-G6087 Title: Oporaba vode i membranski separacijski procesi za pouzdanu i održivu opskrbu vodom Title: Water Reuse and Membrane Separation Processes for a Reliable and Sustainable Water Supply Acronym: WaRMem Leader: Davor Dolar Jurisdiction: Belgium Funder: Organizacija Sjevernoatlantskog sporazuma Funding stream: Science for Peace and Security
Study programme Title: Applied Chemistry - Graduate study; specializations in: Environmental chemistry and green technologies, Advanced materials and technologies, Applied organic chemistry Course: Advanced materials and technologies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra primijenjene kemije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra primijenjene kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2026-11-01
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Created on 2024-07-15 14:08:28