Title Biorazgradnja ksenobiotika aktivnim muljem
Title (english) Biodegradation of xenobiotics with active sludge
Author Tea Borojević
Mentor Danijela Ašperger (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Ašperger (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Dolar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Novak Stankov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-06-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry
Abstract Ksenobiotici, njihovi metaboliti i transformacijski produkti sve se češće detektiraju u okolišu. Potrošnja ksenobiotika za ljudsku i veterinarsku primjenu u uzlaznoj je putanji s povećanjem populacije i novih bolesti, a s time raste i njihovo otpuštanje u okoliš. Uz učestalo praćenje ksenobiotika za ljudsku potrošnju, sve se više stavlja naglasak na povećanu potrošnju ksenobiotika za veterinarske potrebe koji uvelike doprinose zagađenju okoliša. Ostaci veterinarskih ksenobiotika su u malim
... More koncentracijama detektirani u otpadnim, površinskim i, podzemnim vodama, te morima i u tlu u velikom broju zemalja. S obzirom na manjak pitke vode na svijetu, svaka ponovna uporaba vode je veoma važna. Stoga je neophodno dobro pročistiti otpadne vode od svih vrsta ksenobiotika, kako se njihovi ostaci ne bi pojavili u prirodnim, a posljedično i pitkim vodama. Međutim, podaci o ostacima veterinarskih ksenobiotika i njihovih metabolita u okolišu su ograničeni, pa je jedan od ciljeva ovog rada staviti naglasak na važnost praćenja ksenobiotika za veterinarsku, ne samo ljudsku potrošnju. Biorazgradnja ili biološka obrada dio je klasičnih metoda pročišćavanje otpadnih voda koji je vrlo učinkovit u uklanjaju organskih zagađivala. U ovom radu provedena su preliminarna ispitivanja mogućnosti biorazgradnje antihelmintika mebendazola. Biorazgradnja je provedena s aktivnim muljem iz uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda Aglomeracije Čakovec. Učinkovitost biorazgradnje praćena je na HPLC-DAD sustavu. Detektor s nizom dioda korišten je zbog svoje jednostavnosti i isplativosti, jer se pratila samo glavna komponenta, mebendazol. Postignuta je biorazgradnja mebendazola u eksperimentima s koncentracijom aktivnog mulja od 0,29 g/L na više. Do biorazgradnje dolazi pri samom kontaktu otopine mebendazola i aktivnog mulja, koncentracija mebendazola se smanjuje ispod granica kvantifikacije. U reaktorima s mebendazolom pojavljuje se nepoznata komponenta za koju je potrebno utvrditi radi li se o razgradnom produktu ili nečištoći iz mulja s kojim reagira mebendazol. Također, dodatno je potrebno istražiti razgradne produkte, a u obzir se treba uzeti i mogućnost sorpcije mebendazola na pahuljicu aktivnog mulja. Less
Abstract (english) Xenobiotics, their metabolites and transformation products are increasingly detected in the environment. The consumption of xenobiotics for human and veterinary use is on the upward path with increasing population and new diseases, and thus their release to the environment increases. With frequent monitoring of xenobiotics for human consumption, the emphasis is on increased consumption of xenobiotics for veterinary use that greatly contribute to environmental pollution. The remains of
... More veterinary xenobiotics are detected at low concentrations in wastewaters, surface waters, groundwaters, seas and soils in a large number of countries. Given the water shortage in the world, every reuse of water is very important. It is therefore necessary to thoroughly purify waste water from all types of xenobiotics, so that their residues would not appear in the natural, and consequently, drinking water. However, data on residues of veterinary xenobiotics and their metabolites in the environment is limited, so one of the aims of this paper is to emphasize the importance of monitoring xenobiotics for veterinary, not just human consumption. Biodegradation or biological treatment is one of the classic wastewater treatment methods that is very effective in removing organic pollutants. Preliminary investigations of the possibility of biodegradation of an antihelmintic mebendazole have been carried out in this paper. Biodegradation was carried out with activated sludge from the Aglomeration Čakovec wastewater treatment plant. Biodegradability was monitored on the HPLC-DAD system. The diode array detector was used because of its simplicity and low cost, but with this method was possible monitored e only the main component mebendazole . Biodegradation of mebendazole was achieved in experiments with an activated sludge concentration of 0.29 g/L and higher. Biodegradation occurs as soon as mebendazole solution and activated sludge get in direct contact and the concentration of mebendazole is reduced below the limits of quantification. In the reactors with mebendazole an unknown component appears and it is necessary to determine whether that is the degradation product of mebendazole or an impurity from activated sludge that had reacted with mebendazole. It is also necessary to investigate degradable products, and consideration should be given to the possibility of sorption of mebendazole on activated sludge flakes. Less
aktivni mulj
Keywords (english)
activated sludge
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:886068
Project Number: PKP-2016-06-8522 Title: Izravna oporaba komunalne otpadne vode za navodnjavanje membranskim tehnologijama Acronym: ReHOHMem Leader: Davor Dolar Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: PKP
Study programme Title: Applied Chemistry - Graduate study; specializations in: Environmental chemistry and green technologies, Advanced materials and technologies, Applied organic chemistry Course: Environmental chemistry and green technologies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primijenjene kemije (magistar/magistra primijenjene kemije)
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Created on 2022-02-16 13:06:35