Title Razvoj statičkih miksera za milireaktore
Title (english) Development of static mixers for millireactors
Author Ivana Ćevid
Mentor Domagoj Vrsaljko (mentor)
Committee member Domagoj Vrsaljko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Dejanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krunoslav Žižek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering
Abstract Današnje potrebe tržišta zahtijevaju od industrije prijelaz s masovne proizvodnje na personaliziranu, stoga se smanjuje potreba za reaktorima velikih volumena. Milireaktori su potencijalna zamjena standardnih reaktora, barem u finim industrijama poput farmaceutske i kemijske. U odnosu na konvencionalne reaktore, milireaktore odlikuje bolji prijenos tvari i energije, a time i povećanje efikasnosti. Dodavanjem statičkih miksera unutar milireaktora može se postići dodatno poboljšanje prijenosa tvari i energije, te produktivnosti samog procesa. Cilj ovog rada bio je razviti i izraditi milireaktore s različitim geometrijama statičkih miksera te ispitati njihov utjecaj na konverziju. Stereolitografijom, postupkom aditivne proizvodnje, izrađeno je šest milireaktora. Od šest izrađenih milireaktora jedan je referentni, cijevni milireaktor, a ostali imaju ugrađene statičke miskere unutar kanala. Unutar milireaktora se provodila Fentonova reakcija te se uzorak sakupljen na izlazu milireaktora spektrofotometrijski analizirao. Konverzija se računala preko molarnih protoka na početku i kraju reakcije. Vrijednosti Reynoldsovih brojeva za cijevni milireaktor su pokazale da su za korištene protoke očekivana strujanja laminarna. To je i potvrđeno tijekom provedbe reakcija. Laminarno strujanje jasno je vidljivo pri svim manjim protocima, dok je za veće protoke uočljivo burno miješanje dviju ulaznih struja u trenutku kontakta. Iz ostvarenih konverzija pri jednakim brzinama strujanja uočljivo je da milireaktor s najvećim volumenom postiže najveću vrijednost konverzije, što je direktno proporcionalno njegovom volumenu. Veći volumen milireaktora, omogućava duže vrijeme zadržavanja unutar reaktora što rezultira većom konverzijom. Tijekom provođenja Fentonovih reakcija pri fiksnim retencijskim vremenima mogao se uočiti pravilni trend rasta konverzija s porastom retencijskog vremena, ali nije uspostavljenja očekivana jasno izražena razlika između referentnog i milireaktora sa statičkim mikserima.
Abstract (english) Today's market needs require the industry to transition from mass to personalized production. Therefore, the need for large volumetric reactors is reduced. Millireactors are a potential replacement for standard reactors, at least in the fine industries such as pharmaceutical and chemical. Compared to the conventional reactors, millireactors have better mass and energy transfer and thus increased efficiency. By adding static mixers within the millireactors, higher productivity of the process could be achieved, as well as additional increase in mass and energy transfer. The aim of this paper was to develop and produce millireactor with different geometries of static mixers and examine their impact on conversion. Six millireactors were manufactured by the additive manufacturing process, stereolithography. Out of six manufactured millireactors one is a reference, tubular millireactor, and others have built-in static mixers inside the channels. Fenton's reaction was carried out within the millireactors and the sample collected on the millireactors outlet was collected and spectrophotometrically analysed. Conversions were calculated through molar flow at the beginning and at the end of the reaction. The values of Reynolds' numbers calculated for the tubular millireactor have shown that the flow is laminar for all used flow rates. During the reaction, the laminar flow was clearly visible at all lower flow rates, while for higher flow rates, strong mixing at the contact point of two reactant currents was noticeable. From the achieved values of conversions, while using the same velocities, it was noticeable that the millireactor that has the largest volume achieves highest conversion value, which is directly proportional to its volume. The greater the volume of the millireactor, the longer the retention time within the reactor, which results in higher utilization of the reaction. During the Fenton's reaction at fixed retention times, a normal trend of growth of conversion with a retention time could be observed. The expected distinct difference between the reference and millireactors with static mixers wasn't established.
aditivna proizvodnja
statički mikseri
Fentonov proces
Keywords (english)
additive manufacturing
static mixers
Fenton process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:117269
Project Number: UIP-2014-09-3154 Title: Razvoj materijala za 3D tiskanje mikroreaktora Title: Development of materials for 3D printing of microreactors Acronym: 3Dmicroreactors Leader: Domagoj Vrsaljko Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: UIP
Study programme Title: Environmental Engineering - Graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekoinženjerstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekoinženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-02-17 08:55:04